About time to take down the tree!
Please listen to this new song on my blog... It has a lot of significance to this blog and would mean a lot if you would check it out.
The current song is Young Wonder - To You
( I have changed the song almost once per blog entry). The previous one was called "Fast Car" Ft Kina Grannis
I hope everyone had a great Christmas.
Mine was so much fun.
I got to spend it at my parents house.
We had a huge feast and some nice gifts/stockings.
Many unexpected gifts.
My sister, Bristol, Mom, and Chris.. being goofs. :) Christmas Day
Bristol and I. Christmas Day
Chris and I yesterday.
My Dad and I yesterday.
Chris and I went to dinner with my dad at Olive Garden.
It was nice seeing him and catching up.
Look at this gift from my dad. :)
He put that picture of me and my cat on the bag!
(music, candy and him being entirely too generous)
How sweet is that?
Last night I was thinking back on our visit and
I felt so lucky to have this time to spend with family.
Some people go years and years without seeing their parents/siblings. I have been lucky enough to see my dad about 4-5 times this year.
With the loss of Brooke last year, and dad getting cancer this year.. I was really shocked. I cannot tell you how much I wanted to faint when he told me. It is a definite stab in the heart to hear this after what our family has already been through. I have accepted the truth and have come to realize that no matter how angry I get, or how SAD I get...it will only make matters worse to be bitter at this obstacle in life.
The truth is, we are all ultimately struggling..
Every one of us has battles.
You have to surrender at some point.
My dad had a life changing surgery this year.
I am proud to say that there is only 2 more weeks left of his chemotherapy.
He has come through with a smile and still has a spirit of faith. I look up to that.
Here is a picture of (left to right)
My sister Ashley, my dad, Brooke and Me. I cherish those days too. At the time I didn't know how much I appreciated those days. I was just a happy go lucky kid.
What a beautiful moment. It really was.
This year has flown by in my mind.
I cannot beleive I have gone through yet another year of life.
A lot has happened... Here is this years flash back of a few things I may not have shared:
-I learned that money doesn't equal happiness.
-I quit my job that wasn't bringing me joy anymore.
- I made way more recipes this year than ever.
- I got way more organized. Planner. Cooking Ideas. Closet.
-I had this overall feeling that I could never quite get close enough to anyone this year.
I want even deeper, and even more meaningful relationships in my life.
-I know now for sure that it takes some work to be happy.
-I dyed my hair for the first time this year.
-I dyed my hair for the first time this year.
-I am planning my first tattoo. In process of finding an artist.
-I saw 3 doctors this year. My regular physician, my 'woman doctor' and a breast doctor. That was a strange place to be. I am lucky enough to have the information/treatment that they gave me. It was not the most pleasant experience though.
-I stopped sleeping at some point and had to be mended back to a regular functioning person again.
-My weight fluctuated for the first time since high school. I started to weigh too little,
and then I just put a lot of it back on. 10 lbs fluctuation is a big difference to me.. It was very strange. My weight is so dependent upon my overall health. Stress makes you skinny..
- I got a hypo allergenic kitten!! Bliss. What a wonderful addition to the family.
- I went on an amazing Florida vacation with my mom and little sister.
- I took way more photos in 2012.
How much deeper I want to be with people....
Yup thats right. Thats a lot.. I know.
Beach in Florida
Disney in Florida
Things I didn't do that I wanted to in 2012
-I told myself that I would visit a counselor. I never did do that. I couldn't bring myself to follow through with it. I thought I would. I even searched around a little bit. Instead, I chose to read encouraging books.
-I told myself that I would work out steadily through the whole year. I had leaps of exercise, but never stayed on the track as well as I wanted to. Now I have a better reason to work out.
-I still dont know how to properly french braid!
- I wanted to start my own business. It is harder than it looks. Must have $.
Next year is on its way..
Whats your plans? I hope to re-visit some of the things I didn't do in 2012.