My favorite way to cook butternut squash.. This is my own personal recipe.
All you need is..
-1 Large Butternut Squash cut in half (not peeled- the skin is healthy and keeps it together)
-Brown Sugar
-Cinnamon sugar
-Silvered almonds (not pictured/optional)
Large baking pan
- Cut the squash in half and scoop out the seeds (Not necessary to peel)
- Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees
- Cover the pan with foil to keep the mess in
- Put Butternut Squash in pan face up
- Add a little bit of water to the bottom of the pan (This helps to keep moisture in and keep the squash from sticking down to the foil when it bakes.)
- Put butter or margarine all over the squash halves.
- Cover with foil and make sure it is tight around the pan. Bake at 400 degrees for 1 hour. (uncover and check in on it at intervals) poke with a knife or fork to see if its tender. (mine always takes the 45 minutes to full hour)
-once it is tender, add in the other toppings (almonds, cinnamon-sugar, brown sugar, marshmallows) and place back in oven and set to broil for a few mins. You can see in the picture below I like my almonds pretty toasted ;) It adds flavor and crunch.
Enjoy! Let me know what you think. Tweak it to your own liking! it is soo delicious with a steak and beans.
On another note, Today I have been looking at places for us to move into and it is soo overwhelming sometimes. The way to do it is to only map out a few at a time and just go driving around til you find the right thing!
The thing is-- right now I have kitty/puppy fever and I cannot choose an animal before I choose a correct living arrangement. So I'll be prepping!
I use to tell myself that I would be comfortable JUST having a fish, or a small pet...but it is just not the same and I am ready for something with more responsibility. I think its time I make that step. The reward is having the bond and love that grows from taking care of another living thing. Any tips for puppies/animals in general would be greatly appreciated.
So! In other news.. I seriously I use to moan all the time about wanting to go to shows and never being able to go. If anyone knows of upcoming shows, please let me know.
I finally bought some tickets for this summer in MAY! Its the Flux Pavilion and Doctor P. show and I wish it were sooner but at least I wont be at home crying like the picture below for this one....
Music reminds me why I have ears again. I must go to a show. Since the summer is on its way, I am sure more venues will be opening up to amazing shows.
I hope everyone had a great weekend and around the corner is Valentines day. I'm sure that we'll go out to dinner but seriously this weekend could have been our Valentines day in itself, because we don't have to have a special day to confess our love.. But for those of you who have kids and whatnot, it reminds everyone that Valentines day is a good day to have a date night for the adults with busy schedules.
^ Just a little friendly advice from Vinny. lol.